Finances After Separation

Learn more about how Lowry Legal can assist you with managing your finances after separation.

Dealing With Finances After Separation

Deciding what to do with your finances after separation can feel like a minefield at times. This is especially true if there are complicated financial structures involved such as trusts.

Pragmatic and sensible in our approach, Lowry Legal are specialists at dealing with all areas of finance and family law, no matter the circumstances.

We believe in providing creative solutions for our clients, whether it be calling in an accountant, wealth manager, tax adviser or other professional. Getting the right answer for you is paramount.

How Lowry Legal Can Help


At Lowry Legal, we will break down the myths and dispel any fears that go along with sorting your finances when you separate. There are so many ways to try and reach an amicable and fair agreement with your ex partner that don’t involve going to court. We will explain everything to you, so you can choose the option that fits you the best.


Don’t worry, even if you and your ex partner have been able to reach an agreement between yourselves, we can help you put the formalities in place. This will allow your agreements to be approved by a court.


If you do have to go to court to sort things out, we are incredibly experienced and can guide you through the whole process to help you achieve the best possible result.

Lowry Legal’s Approach to Finances After Separation

Making arrangements about finances after separation can be extremely difficult. When significant wealth is a factor, finding a resolution that works for everyone can often be even more challenging. Lowry Legal aims to avoid the expense of the courts, with open and honest dialogue often breaking the deadlock between separating couples. However, if this proves impractical, we can offer robust representation to secure a fair outcome for you.

A 360 degree law firm, we know that no two relationships are quite the same. We can draw upon the expertise of external mediators, counsellors, and tax professionals to offer a service tailored to your circumstances. Therefore, if you’re looking for experienced representation that promises a practical approach to finances after separation, we’re ready to help.

Our Values

Resolving the complexities of finances after separation can be extremely challenging. Lowry Legal’s talented family lawyers all work within our core values to ensure the best possible outcome for you. Those values are:



Transparency is essential to us. Our experienced solicitors offer straightforward guidance to resolve finances after separation. We avoid jargon to help explain your options.



Discussing finances after separation can be tricky. Our family lawyers often work in collaboration with other experts to address any issues which may arise.


People First

There’s no single way to handle finances after separation. Our solicitors treat each client as an individual, with specific goals and challenges, and can offer creative solutions.


Get to Know Lowry Legal

Whatever your circumstances, the team at Lowry Legal has the knowledge and expertise to help you manage your finances after separation. Find out more about our history and why we’re perfectly placed to assist.

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